Tag Archives: let go

let it go

26 Feb

I definitely watch too much Oprah. BUT she’s in her 25th season, which will be her last season, and I’ve really, really enjoyed some of the shows she’s done. Do I agree with everything she stands for? NO. Do I watch every single show? NO. Honestly, it’s always on during the boys nap time and so I usually have it on to ‘watch’ while I’m working. I like it. So sue me.


I was watching one of her shows last week and David Arquette was on talking about his troubles and being in and out of rehab. It was on in the background and I was half listening to it but mostly working and answering emails. Halfway through the show, he said something that really stuck with me and I’ve been thinking about it ever since. It was about anger. He said,

“Anger is like YOU drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.”

Whoa. How true is that? How often do we hang onto things in our lives that make us angry and all it really is doing is festering within our own souls? Usually, the person that made you angry to begin with doesn’t even know that you are STILL angry at them. It doesn’t affect them any longer. But you are still hanging on to it. But hanging onto anger, is only poisoning YOU. It’s not hurting the other person. It really IS as if YOU drank poison, but are waiting for the other person to die. It’s not going to happen, but it IS only harming you.

It’s something to think about. What are you hanging onto? Who are you still angry at? It’s only poisoning your soul.

And life’s too short to live that way.

*I found this gorgeous photo HERE.